Memorial Day Parade - March with the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce (5/26/25)
Massapequa Chamber of Commerce
Please Join the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce as we March in the Annual Memorial Day Parade! Following the parade, a Memorial Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony will take place at Klestinec Park. Specials thanks to Sgt. Peter F. Colleran Post #7763 Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion Post #1066; and the Incorporated Village of Massapequa Park, for the opportunity to participate and pay tribute to those who made the supreme sacrifice in defense of our nation. The parade will begin on Front Street in Massapequa Park, travel West on Front Street to Park Boulevard, North on Park Boulevard to Clark Boulevard, West on Clark Boulevard to Broadway, South on Broadway to Klestinec Park.
Memorial Day Parade - March with the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce (5/26/25)
Monday, May 26, 2025 (9:30 AM - 2:00 PM)
Lower Broadway
Community Event